Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Read My Interview In Today's HealthCareVox

HealthCareVOX has been one of the leaders talking extensively about the benefits and drawbacks of health-focused user-generated content.

Today, Fard Johnmar from HealthCareVOX, posted a recent email interview he conducted with me that covers these issues in-depth.

Read the full interview by clicking here:

The conversation covers a lot of important ground about the credibility of user-generated content and how OrganizedWisdom is different from vertical search engines like Healthline and Healia. Here's a list of the questions I answered:

Q1: Please tell me a little bit about why you decided to develop

Q2: What are the major differences between OrganizedWisdom and other health search engines like Healia and Healthline?

Q3: OrganizedWisdom relies on users to develop health content. What are the benefits and drawbacks of this strategy?

Q4: How do you ensure that users contribute high-quality content?

Q5: What do you think it will take for people to view OrganizedWisdom as a trusted source of health information?

Q6: How can marketers ensure that they are engaging people using and resources like it appropriately?

Q7: In recent months, some marketers have posted content on Wikipedia without disclosing that they are doing so for commercial reasons. What is your opinion of this practice and do you think it could occur on

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